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AyurYoga Alchemy

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Sharing Ancient Wisdom, Transforming Modern Wellness


Welcome to AyurYoga Alchemy

I'm so glad you're here! Pause to take a breath in and a breath out,

and settle into this moment.

I'm Jamie, a Yoga student, practitioner, and teacher, and an Ayurveda Health Counselor. The only thing I love more than Yoga and Ayurveda is teaching others how easy these systems are to apply to their daily lives for mental ease, radiant health, and balanced well-being.

When so much of our wellness relies on connection and communication within our roles and relationships, between body, mind and spirit, and even between the parts of our bodies, the gradual disconnect we experience through modern life can leave us feeling out of alignment.


Yoga practices and the wellness system of Ayurveda offer us simple, hands-on methods to move back into a sense of wholeness and balance, and I am thrilled to share this ancient wisdom with students and clients in an interesting and accessible way. Let's work together!

Start Your Wellness Transformation Here
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upcoming events and programs!

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If you have a body, yoga is right for you!


New, and looking for an accessible introduction?

Has your medical team recommended you try yoga?

Interested in exploring a deeper practice experience?

Do you need a way to unplug from a stressful, busy life?

Kind Words

"Asana, Yoga Nidra and Ayurveda – Jamie is knowledgeable about all three, and her ability to translate these concepts into real world experiences has helped me immeasurably in my personal growth. She radiates compassion that the modern world is lacking."

— J.K.

What's New in Reflections


Your Health in Your Hands

Thanks for Connecting!

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