Kali, the wild, dark goddess
You hide your whims in heartbreak
In the steady trickle of water across stone
In secret words, whispers unspoken
To know your language is to abandon the mother-tongue
I looked for you in storms
I looked for you in eruptions
I looked for you in collapse
I looked for your force, a show
But to find you, silent, wild-eyed, staring
my blind reflection
Becoming witness of the shame-filled
nakedness i hide is
more shattering, more fearsome
than all
Truth is your delicate destruction
I lie
I cheat
I abandon
I withhold
I betray
Worse, I make filthy sacrifice
of a goddess, of a gift, of a purpose
for fear, for illusion, for no thing
Help me burn this veil
Help me slice these ties
Help me wreck these walls
Help me destroy this world
Help me break the false legs upon which I stand
Build anew with burnt shards, with rubble, with blood, with defeat
this offering