My heart
Oh, my heart, crushed
The space around collapsed
Succumbed to the gravity
of my anguish,
the weight of the world's
My cheeks parched salt beds
the moisture gone with my breath
Frozen--it seems there's never been another moment than this
but for me it's been only a moment
for my brothers and sisters it's been an eternity
How is that that I've ever walked with such blindness?
Lost breath and tears could never be enough
but by seeing and hearing and feeling I can tread a better path
If wounds are where the light comes in,
Let us all lay them bare
Let us listen without judgement
Let us hear without defense
Let us feel without reservation
Let us see without ignorance
Let us love without condition
Let us recognize our souls in the soul of every other and heal these wounds which are our own
May we rise united into the light of Truth